Know this number?
Have you received a call from 800-237-8990? Was it safe or suspicious? Help us build a safer community by sharing your experience with others.
Reports for (800) 237-8990
Reply | Reported by ba7f4 .
They’re at it again, different number same dirty scum bag scammers.
Reply | Reported by fab10 .
They called again, one year to the day. Scamming knobs trying to get bank numbers from you.
Reply | Reported by e9dbb .
This jacknut is trying to get more of my bank info from a phishing try posing as my bank. Not trusting this one! “ 800-237-8990 “ is bad news.
Reply | Reported by 48488 .
Scam for bank information
Reply | Reported by 00882 .
They said it was my bank but number no info whatsoever it was a scam my bank never calls me ever
Reply | Reported by 35962 .
Text to confirm purchase at Walmart.
Reply | Reported by 17194 .
it was a bank that called me via a robocall
Reply | Reported by 0cd14 .
They said my account is compromised
Reply | Reported by d9819 .
Scammers fraud scammers fraud scam fraud scammers
Reply | Reported by aeea0 .
It’s a fraud number
Reply | Reported by 83e68 .
They were impersonating my bank and pretending they had caught some fraudulent activity. None of the activity is real.
Reply | Reported by 36e5f .
May be fraud no report on caller id
Reply | Reported by d9e4c .
Scam for information
Reply | Reported by 6d91b .
Stated they represented fraud department re my credit card.
Reply | Reported by e3da5 .
claimed to be from visa and they were checking on unauthorized credit card use
Reply | Reported by 3ec84 .