Reports for (469) 982-9999
Just stole $10,000 from me
Reply | Reported by f2180 .
I get multiple calls on my phone usage from this number. Somehow using my number
Reply | Reported by 208e4 .
I don’t have it on my contacts
Reply | Reported by 9d471 .
This number is no in my constacts ..
Reply | Reported by 9d471 .
Private line supposedly
Reply | Reported by e5639 .
Spamming fake and not
Reply | Reported by 82f0d .
They keep calling a number in my account and I have 3 phones and trying to see which number they called
Reply | Reported by 5bd55 .
Many outgoing but ?
Reply | Reported by 1585a .
I was looking up the number, cause someone called me from it
Reply | Reported by 83852 .
pops up on my wifes phone but only she calls that number but when i call it sounds like im blocked from that number when i call that number?
Reply | Reported by dd054 .
Keeps showing up
Reply | Reported by 724b4 .
Shows up on my history but not
Reply | Reported by de7a9 .
I’m gonna tell everyone that left a comment and don’t feel bad if everyone that got into it with they better half physically verbally and And lead you to jail or a split up and no longer together it was for the best.. Because that number is the code to check your voicemails on your secondary phone line. You see the way it works they could call and text you whenever they want but once the cheater gets home they would Then deactivate the secondary line now the only thing they will get a notification but it would be in a form a sound but nothing that would leave a trace of them cheating .. so yes my wife and my side piece both of them was cheating on me . And the way I found out was I left a recording device in they car and that’s how I kno
Reply | Reported by be269 .
Reply | Reported by 9a3ca .
Who is this its a daily call ?????
Reply | Reported by e11e7 .
Keep coming up on my boyfriend phone and I been fighting with him cause of it and find out alot of people are having this problem
Reply | Reported by 891fe .
Many incoming calls
Reply | Reported by 0c406 .
Calls show up on my phone and text messages
Reply | Reported by 59b24 .
What the hell is this number doing on my call record all the time??!
Reply | Reported by 5a891 .
This number shows up on my bfs call history. As outgoing. But this is a spam number.
Reply | Reported by 39137 .
I found this number on the call log on my husband’s phone. Shows he called this number several times almost every day. I was curious as to who’s number this was because when I called the phone sounded disconnected. I was very confused caused problems in our relationship thought he might be cheating. But after reading these comments a lot of people are having the same issues with Boost.
Reply | Reported by 39137 .
Me and my husband has split over this number and boost doesn’t no anything bout the number said it wasn’t boost number
Reply | Reported by 4ea1a .
Belong to boost this number always on there I don’t call it
Reply | Reported by 852f2 .
Don’t know who this number belongs to and keep popping up in husband phone
Reply | Reported by 75af7 .
This number can be **sociated with 360-990-9999 not sure what app or VMware set up is going on but it’s a hacking thing and drugs are involved
Reply | Reported by 7321f .
Drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs drugs
Reply | Reported by 7321f .
This number keep appearing on my husband activity log as a our going call please get to the bottom of this it’s happening every day thanks .
Reply | Reported by 979ba .
Never called # but phone log says otherwise be safe everyone
Reply | Reported by 5aaf9 .
This number has shown up on my call history and I’ve never spoken to anyone at this number and I don’t know who it is. They won’t stop.
Reply | Reported by fc36d .
Showing I’ve made several calls from my phone but I’ve never called this number
Reply | Reported by 7f6b2 .
Is showing i made this call everyday
Reply | Reported by d1748 .
This person is someone that is har**sing you by blocking their number and using this one. Lives in NE Philly aka candy pants
Reply | Reported by 23ea2 .
Number keeps showing up on my bill but i cant call it back
Reply | Reported by 8797a .
Odd; will not go through.......
Reply | Reported by d2ba4 .
Always on my phone log but I never get the call
Reply | Reported by fa3d2 .
Known hackers on the web
Reply | Reported by 619e6 .
Reply | Reported by d2ba4 .
This number keeps calling har**sing me
Reply | Reported by 5267d .
Not right ................
Reply | Reported by 264d6 .
Har**sing me bad
Reply | Reported by 853f3 .
See this number all day from outgoing calls
Reply | Reported by 71421 .
Calle and ask for money
Reply | Reported by 64918 .
This number 469-982-9999 shows up on my phone log all day and I’m from boost company
Reply | Reported by b5bcb .
Har**sing me huh Gg hgzgayshajsjdhchBc. Zhahshf s. Shz
Reply | Reported by b5bcb .
Outgoing call list shows this number all day long when calls were being made
Reply | Reported by 8d60c .
calls going out from my phone q30 to 45 min. all day. seems impossibke as im not making any calls.
Reply | Reported by 9218c .
Unsafe cannot figure out wheee this text app is coming from
Reply | Reported by 56351 .