Reverse Phone Information
(321) 222-5580

(321) 222-5580 is a phone number on a Landline device operated by BANDWIDTH.COM CLEC, LLC - FL. This device is registered in Orlando, FL, which is located in Orange county. Full Report →
ORLANDO, FL 321-222-5580 Name and Address
Type: Landline
City, State: Orlando, FL
County/Parish: Orange
ZIP Code: 32801
ID: afd7b2eee8a9d9572ff220f281321ed3
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Debt Collector
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Other - Unsafe

Reports for (321) 222-5580

Don’t know this number
Reply | Reported by 42355 .
This is a different number of the same har**sing and extremely unsafe link. It continues to send links to open up and wanting me to insert personal info but it makes absolutely no sense. Please, please, please make it stop! Thank you so much!
Reply | Reported by 204b6 .
criminals from Australia part of a large criminal element
Reply | Reported by df717 .
International criminal by the name of jaime from australia it's not anybody name Ben it's anybody in the US do not give this person any money there a criminal part of a large criminal element do not give them any money
Reply | Reported by df717 .
scam account and number person
Reply | Reported by c52a7 .
International criminal part of a large criminal element her name is not Angela it’s not any Mercer OK her name is Jamie the only reason she even has these online profiles is a fraud people out of money once money exchanges hands it’s in violation of international law for fraud doesn’t matter if it’s on Instagram Facebook Twitter Snapchat it doesn’t matter OK once you’ve promised to love somebody and you you’re not even there are using a fake name and fake location bullshit phone number from Google Voice Mial then it’s an international romance scam and if the US government prosecutor she can do 10 years per incident and all her co-conspirators can do jail too and I hope this ***king person goes to jail she’s a liar and a user in one of the worst piece of shit I’ve ever met in my life
Reply | Reported by 7fba8 .
International scammer for fraud that's why she was in Google Numbers to m**s where she's at and ask for money She's also was international **x trafficked worker and she uses every platform Nana man did the silicate that she's on drugs you can tell because she uses old pics when you see your new place even with make up tired eyes are sunken face sunken eyes a lot of hard miles on this truck party like a rockstar what the problem is probably pretty girls age fast and it's such a pretty face it was enough no man would ever leave and pretty girls are a dime a dozen special girls party like a rockstar OK life p**ses a lot of them by that's that's not a crime but it is a crime to be manipulating people for And there is an international law on using the Internet to see people and there is an expedition and treated with Australia So she has delusions of grandeur because she believes her people tell her if you're promoting promoting good time and hook up that's what you get he's not gonna get her she wants in life because you're still showing hook up in good time girl she looks like she's dying of heroin or meth in vitamins and she was a pretty girl at one time about a five or six is about a four and a six with make up that's not being mean that's a ***king fat So I've known her a while when you ask her about some of our profiles with a sailor catfish know the hurt some of them are in spite of some of them are in Portuguese tomorrow morning and she uses those profiles of facilitate **x trafficking she's so into the lifestyle she doesn't even know who the ***k he is and every dollar you gave her is for ***king drugs she's a drug head a junkie pros**tute and a scammer piece of shit that needs to be put in jail maybe she can detox before kilter everybody gets profiting off of her for scamming for fraud for **x ever putting on drugs a controller everyone is men should be beaten with an inch of a ***king life and everyone of them should be put in jail
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia using Google numbers for the sole purpose to steal money from somebody part of a larger criminal enterprise do not believe this check she still holding onto it when she was about 10 years ago when she was semi-attractive now she looks like she's been partying too long that's why she uses a lot of old pictures on Facebook that's why she keeps re-posting the same ***king pictures on Instagram has a tired worn out exhausted sunken eyes sunken face that's always a party rug look even with make up on it doesn't hide it so the same reason why she's using phone numbers that say she's in Florida and Michigan and Connecticut California so she can easily and that she's their mask her location it's still fried money from somebody I hope this bitch go to jail for a long time
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
fraud person using Google to manipulate location and lie cheat steal money. criminal part or larger Enterprise of professional criminals and con artists
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia using Google Numbers to manipulate steal money from somebody to part of a larger or more elements
Reply | Reported by 1a00d .
this number is nothing but a scam number someone from Australia is using trying to make it look where she's at in the United States so purpose is to manipulate and deceive steal money
Reply | Reported by 1a00d .
International scammer from Australia she's not in Florida or anywhere else in United States scammers with the Google Numbers because they can mask the location in Carter's sympathy she's not dying she's not starving she's not getting addicted criminal just like she's not using really where she's really at your not using her pictures everybody tell her she's a 10 she's never been a time she's an average girl with a pirate party don't look sunken in eyes and sunken in face she was pretty at one time and she never was a ***king 10Memos tell you anything if you believe if you have visions of grandeur that's one thing I just like she's using Numbers or Friday to see if it's still money from people she's using pictures from 10 years ago because right now or even with make up her eyes are sunken Halloween tired and old looking as always methamphetamines are here with maybe the government will charger traditionary treating please if you can get cleaned up and before the junk killed her because she looks really terrible
Reply | Reported by 1a00d .
National scammer from Australia by the name of Jamie she’s got numbers at so she’s in Connecticut Michigan Florida Texas California she’s not in the United States Mexico Canada Brazil or anywhere else she’s an Australian she’s a scammer part of a larger criminal element all of them should be in prison
Reply | Reported by e9c94 .
International scammer by the name of Jamie from Australia she's not in Florida California Texas Michigan Connecticut she's a liar a manipulator bad person she's a criminal the United States does have an extra dictionary created with Australia and I love this shit is serious jail time
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia using Google to fraud people
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammers network of scammers using this number can you give them any money whether it's a man or a woman using his number
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammers using this phone number you're not even in the US do not give men or women using this number any ***king money if some guy name Tom but wasn't woman before that's how you know it's scumbag shit
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer using this number part of a larger criminal element it was a woman named Jamie now with them by name Tom still part of the same criminal element yeah
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer from Australia using several Google Voice Mial numbers in several different countries by part of a larger Trump criminal element I hope her and her whole group of people go to jail for a long time
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International fraud scammer romance state scammer one of the worst I've ever seen she's part of a larger criminal element the entire ring of this these people need to be in jail she's using Google on purpose to manipulate mask where she's at and ask for money not give her any ***king money OK what's gonna p**s her by real quick and that's fine but once you start using and asking for money it makes it Friday makes it illegal oh she goes to prison
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer thief from Australia she's not in Connecticut North Carolina Florida California Michigan Texas anywhere she's not in the United States Brazil Spain Mexico she's in Australia she's part of a larger crowd of criminal enterprise needs to be in prison
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer from Australia by the name of Jamie part of a larger criminal element not believe a damn thing she said she's a liar manipulator and a user and a thief part of a larger criminal ring all of them need to be in prison
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer from Australia she's not in the US at all she uses Google for the sole purpose for Friday manipulation and then do not give her any money she's part of a larger prop criminal enterprise and needs to be in prison
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer from Australia using Google Numbers for the sole purpose for fraudulent reasons to ask for Mike to not give her any money she's part of a larger criminal enterprise if the government presses charges on her for Friday because it's over a certain mount of money will go to jail
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
date scammer not i. USA scammer
Reply | Reported by 71210 .
International scammer from Australia using a Google number perpetrate fraud Scammers love these numbers because they can be in one place in scammer 2 Friday another I have reported to the FBI because once it was over a certain amount it's it's a felony and I believe you I believe that she was alone and starving and you have a good I'll be honest I believe it hook line and sinker she's a pro and the government charges or United States government and Australia do you have an extradition every tree she's a liar and a manipulator and a thief I didn't trust her to take my garbage out she's a thief and a liar she would say anything and I hope everybody is profiting off of her writing people out they all go to ***king jail yes I have reported to the FBI and Homeland security if the US government truckers are there's a good chance she'll do some jail time
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia by the name of Jamie she's got a larger criminal element do not give her any money that's why she's using the Google number one person be somewhere else and ask for ***king money she's a criminal was that part of a larger criminal enterprise
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International romance scammer from Australia by the name of Jamie he's got quite a few handlers do not go to WhatsApp hangouts Facebook snap or she can ask for money everything she says is complete bullshit and you know simple as that she's a liar she's part of a larger or more elements she doesn't know the truth she'll tell you that she's bored trying to be right with God person of God wouldn't be out there Friday people that's not judging that's a fact
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International romance scammer part of a larger, element do not believe a word she said she's a liar and a manipulator that needs to be behind bars
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia using Google voice numbers but it's all purpose for Friday she's not dying she's not in the hospital she's not alone she's not getting a break at all to garner sympathy liar be part of a larger come out do not believe in ***king work she says
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
Romance scammer from Australia Google Numbers to see cream frappe or money that's why scammers love the Google Numbers is part of a larger criminal element ***king word she says
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia using Google numbers for the sole purpose of writing to garner sympathy and ask for Mark she's not starving her parents aren't daddy she's a liar she would say anything to get a dollar from somebody do not give her any ***king money
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer by the name of Jamie using Google Numbers to perpetrate crime right she has Google numbers for Connecticut which it was a real person's name she was using Michigan California Texas New Mexico she's a liar and a manipulator she's not starving she's not getting a vacation Roger, Elementary wide world family to get a dollar and if she gets charged by the US government and a chance to check on some serious jail time and I hope she does
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scumbag romance scammer part of a larger criminal element that's why she's using numbers if the US government charges this person Australia and the US to have expeditionary treaties and I hope she gets charged in a whole ***king enterprise of people go to prison a larger criminal element do not believe it she's not starving she's not in the hospital she's not dying she's a liar a manipulator and a criminal
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia she has numbers it shows she's in Brazil Connecticut Florida Mexico Mexico California Texas is in Australia or criminal element do not believe a ***king word she says parents aren't bad she's not starving OK she would say anything to learn her money from somebody to get sympathy she's a liar and a criminal all of them need to be in prison for a long ***king time
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer using Google Numbers to pretend she's in one place but she's not she's got about 12 different US number 171 Brazil Mexico and all of her she's a scammer don't believe a ***king word said
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia but not any United States to ****e for purpose he has his Google Numbers is for fraud and mine he's a liar and a manipulator and a criminal part of a larger criminal element all of them need to be in prison
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer from Australia she's not alone she's not getting evicted she's not starving all day it's a manipulate you sympathy to get money from you that's why scammer 2 brought blockers like using his Google number I hope this chick is a long time in prison there is an expedition every treaty with Australia in the United States if the government room charges on her sorry **s
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia by the name of Jamie she's part of a larger criminal element she's not in the United States she doesn't want to meet anybody she just wants to take your money she should be in jail for fraud so shit a whole network of scammers it's all it's against the law and there is an extra dictionary treaty with the United States and Australia and I hope she gets a long long time in jail
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer from Australia she's not in Europe Mexico United States nowhere that's why scammers love you Google Voice Mial Numbers specifically for fraud that's the only ***king reason why they use it do not give this person any money she's part of a larger criminal enterprise
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer part of a larger, Ellen she and her whole group need to be in prison for fraud
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International scammer from Australia using this number for the sole purpose to manipulate people to see people for fraudulent reasons for money do not give her any ***king money she's not single parents aren't daddy she's not getting evicted she's a liar and a criminal she is even love her self don't believe any of the bullshit she's telling you you're a liar she's an awful person is breaking the law that needs to be in ***king jail
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia by the name of Dream she's got about 40 different ***king aliases part of a larger criminal enterprise do not give these people any ***king money I don't give a ***k what bullshit you shovel that shit she's a liar and she would say anything she's a criminal need to be in jail
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia using this number right people out of money she's part of like a criminal enterprise do not give her any money I'm not gonna hang out Snapchat Facebook any place where she can ask you for some ***king money that's why they're all scammers like using his Google numbers that's exactly why
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia she's using this number to manipulate the ceiling right people out of money there is an extra visionary treaty with United States and Australia she's not in the United States not fall for any of the bullshit
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
scammer from Australia by the name of Jamie she's not in the United States also purpose the happy numbers from google is super tender in one place and ask for money she's in Australia and there is a next dictionary treaty with Australia in the US fraud and when you're charged by the government so I hope she ends up in prison
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International romance scammer she's not in the United States these numbers are for fraudulent reasons only do not believe her do not give her any ***king money she's part of a larger criminal enterprise
Reply | Reported by 71210 .
Romance scammer from Australia she's not in the United States are using his number California Florida Michigan New Mexico Connecticut to pretend that she's in United States to five people out of money I believe a ***king thing she saying I'm gonna hang out with that Snapchat Facebook chat anything or she can ask you for some money she's part of a larger criminal element do not trust her believe it damn word she says
Reply | Reported by 71210 .
scammer from Australia she's not in the United States she likes to Google number is because I can in the trees in the United States for fraudulent reasons for money do not give her any money
Reply | Reported by 71210 .
Romance scammer from Australia she's not in the United States not by any of the bullshit she's not give her any money
Reply | Reported by 71210 .
scammer from Australia she's using this number to look like she's in the United States ask people why people are money heard it should be in jail don't give her any money
Reply | Reported by 71210 .
why do you let Number use for fraudulent reasons she's not in the United States larger criminal element in Australia do not give her any money
Reply | Reported by 71210 .
scammer she's not in Florida or anywhere else in the United States she's a scammer a hustler she's going to tell you all this bullshit she's not allowed her family's not dead she's using the Internet to manipulate her location which is which is against international law to defame for money makes it a crime She's fighting people for faith and love which is a crime with Enter and Arvert somebody's asking for money and makes it a crime in United States has an extradition treaty with Australia if it is over $1000 and this chick is definitely over that she needs to be locked up and everybody is **sociated with her in a criminal enterprise needs to be locked up she's not gonna be able to get by their luxe forever she looks old and hard now but that's for that's besides the point she's a criminal and she needs to be in jail
Reply | Reported by 96681 .
International romance scammer It's not in Florida or the United States she's in Australia first name Jamie she's part of a larger criminal element at all it is a swindling money from somebody I hope she ends up in jail one day
Reply | Reported by 96681 .
scammer from Australia using his number I'll try to make it seem like she's in the US for money
Reply | Reported by 7684f .
Romance scammer from Australia using a Google Voice Mial number to try to manipulate lie deceive and fortunately pretend she's somewhere else for romance to get money from somebody she's not in United States she's not looking for love she's looking to fight somebody and tell them a bunch of bullshit to get money from somebody who's in Australia she goes by lotta different names she's on every platform known to man she's a liar and a deceiver she's part of water for larger criminal element that need to be in prison
Reply | Reported by 1c778 .
International romance scammer from Australia using a Google Voice Mial make it look like she's in the United States She's not in the United States she's never been in the United States The first thing she's going to do is try to get your hang out Snapchat what's up someplace where she can ask for some money he's going to give you some sad boo-hoo ***king story about her parents are dead and she's all alone all this it's all bullshit she's a pro she's part of a larger criminal element do not give her any money do not believe a ***king word she said she's a liar and a manipulator and a deceiver she would like you could catch the chick line and she would just keep lying she's a liar she's gonna tell you all this bullshit she's a good Christian woman that's bullshit to. Do you not give her any money at all she's not in the United States she's only got these numbers this one went to Connecticut or New Mexico several in Mexico couple in Spain just got numbers everywhere Brazil to manipulate and lie to see if they get money from people that's why she's a scumbag
Reply | Reported by 1c778 .
International romance date scammer from Australia with several numbers Google voice number is trying to show that she's in the US for fraud purposes onlyShe's not in the US he hasn't been in the US the reason why she has his number because it's easier to find somebody that's why I believe anything she said she's a liar to see very in a manipulator She's not trying to get right with God because if she was she would be deceiving and lying She's part of a larger criminal element and she has these visions of grandeur like a lot of these women I might not believe a ***king word this woman says she's a liar and a deceiver do not give her any ***king money Do you know anybody can have his vision center of the supermodel but bottom line she's a low budget model they probably are part of yourself years ago that's why she's using pictures from the ***king decade ago and they all think they're going to get these That's fine but when you start asking for money and freaking romance well then it becomes a criminal in Osteria does have an expedition really what do United States so I forgive her because vengeance is the Lord do you never really fully I just saw the best in her but she's a liar and a deceiver I don't trust this ***king word she said she's a pro
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
her name is Jamie she's a scammer from Australia She's got about 10 profiles on every app she'll stay there all catfish that's bullshit Every one of them is her or someone in her criminal network is operating it she's got another number 203-759-8786 which is a Google Voice Mial registered in Connecticut she's an Australian that number and this number in like seven other numbers are all bullshit just a scam people out of it for romance scam or money she knows how to use her femininity to get what she wants her parents are dead she's not stranded don't believe any of the bullshit cause I can't I believe everything is straight told me at one time she's a ***king liar she would lie to her and she would lie her she would like you to catch her in a lie she just lied more he's a liar Do not give this chick any money do not go to WhatsApp Snapchat hang out anything where she could ask for some I don't mind if she's a low budget model and a lot of his low budget models all think they're gonna marry a top 10% on it but here's the thing if you put yourself out there is a hook up high value Mandarich have a have women throwing themselves at him what separates the second of everybody else nothing and just because men are telling you what you want to hear that's fine if you have any visions of grandeur because people online man and women are telling you that the bottom line is what youBut this is a woman that was a low budget model at one time and now she's on Instagram and everybody knows her Instagram's all about his garbage bullshit So I don't know budget models if you say so indoors everybody believe the hype that they're getting sold and the promise of shoes if you come across her she uses pictures from like 10 ***king years ago because she know she's looking old as ***k now do not give her any money do not go to WhatsApp or Snapchat or anything or she can ask her ***king money she is a liar and a manipulator and see when she's a pro scammer she's part of a larger criminal e
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
this is a fraud scammer from Australia using this number to show that she's in the US she's not in the US. Do not believe a ***king word she says wire and a deceiver do not go to hangouts or WhatsApp or anything or if you could ask him for some ***king money don't believe anything this bitch says she's part of a larger criminal element is a romance scammer from Australia and she's a she's one of the best liars I've ever met in my life do not give this bitch any money and I hope she goes to jail and Ann I've already reported her to the FBI and Homeland security has been an international date scammer using the Internet to deceive people for romance using the Internet to show that she's in one location and not you can do that but what you ask for money then it's fraud and Australia has an extradition treaty with the United States government so I hope this piece of crap is in jail one day all her handlers everybody has to do with property off of a skinny people out there all in jail I can't stand people like that I hope this shit gets what she deserves I forgive her because she's yup Jesus said vengeance is the Lord so I forgive her but I do want her to be held accountable
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
International romance a scammer from Australia she has this number 203-759-8786 it's a Connecticut google voicemail their whole purpose they have these numbers is the fraud and deceit people to give her money I don't go to hang out what's up or anything else is a scam piece of shit and that she would lie to anybody for anything don't truster don't believe any of the bullshit she's telling you I bought I bought it hook line and sinker because I saw the best in her potential and doing are two different things and you know what p**ses a lot of people by real quick do you not give a shit any money on either of the numbers
Reply | Reported by 4580f .
International romance scammer she has several numbers in the United States seven that I know what the name is Jamie he's from Australia she used to be I guess a model part of her self right out of it look so last forever and if you present yourself like an idiot that's everybody's choice but when you try to keep our money I'm showing that you're in another place and you're not for me for the deceptive this is part of a larger city criminal element this bitch runs to be in jail
Reply | Reported by 3430f .
International romance scammer from the continental Australia she's got this number to pretend like she's in Florida She also has 203-759-8786 same person pretending like she's in Connecticut with Google Voice Mial they can pretend like they're in the United States which one you're using fraudulent mean to deceive Manipulate people out of money whether it's promising them a relationship or whatever your parents are both a ***king lied lied through her teeth about anything and I believe your bullshit it for us but she's a liar and a deceiver and a manipulator do not believe a ***king thing she says you know I like a lot of girls online looks only last for so long and she looks like she looks a lot older than she is and she's cute but she's not what's the last forever I'm not judging I don't give a ***k but I think this bitch needs to be in jail for being a fraud scam piece of shit
Reply | Reported by 0f620 .
Romance scammer from Australia by the name of Jamie is using this number in like six others google voicemail but try to show that she's in the United States for fraudulent reasons Don't give this bitch any money
Reply | Reported by 2817b .
Scammer with a Google voicemail number to make it seem like they're in the United States is in Australia a fordable part of a
Reply | Reported by 9039d .
International romance scammer she's in Australia this numbers in Florida for reasons to manipulate deceive her location so if you can ask for money Don't give her any money she's part of a larger criminal element all of them to be in ***king jail for fraud using the Internet to the same in the fried bologna money which is an a lot for against the law United States does have an extradition treaty with ***king Australia she's got another number that so she's in Connecticut and this one of the sections in Florida don't go to WhatsApp hang out anything with the switch gr**s for money because that's all her main purpose is trying to fraud Garrison ***king money
Reply | Reported by 9039d .

Receiving unwanted or harrassing calls from (321) 222-5580? Report It! You can also add your number to the National DO Not Call Registry by visiting their website or calling (888) 382-1222, but many people have complained about it not being effective. If there is something requiring an immediate attention, please contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911.

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