Reverse Phone Information
(919) 588-4405

(919) 588-4405 is a phone number on a Landline device operated by BANDWIDTH.COM CLEC, LLC - NC. This device is registered in Kenly, North Carolina, which is located in Johnston county. Full Report →
KENLY, NORTH CAROLINA 919-588-4405 Name and Address
Type: Landline
City, State: Kenly, North Carolina
County/Parish: Johnston
ZIP Code: 27542
ID: 08970f8b8ea00cd58496c990db4399c5
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Share what you know about (919) 588-4405 to help other users. If you know who owns (919) 588-4405, please feel free to post it too.

Debt Collector
Non-profit Organization
Other - Unsafe

Reports for (919) 588-4405

The person is claiming to be a Bobby Bazile and they are running a scam on Craigslist for rental properties. They get the properties that are for sale or pending sales from Zillow and Trulia and running For Rent Scams thru Craiglist in Missouri. They send emails stating why they left the state usually for Religious and Missionary reasons. They ask for your personal information and ask how much money you have to send them for now to hold the property until you have the money to move in. It's a scam operation by some foreigners. Not sure what country they're from.
Reply | Reported by 2ed17 .

Receiving unwanted or harrassing calls from (919) 588-4405? Report It! You can also add your number to the National DO Not Call Registry by visiting their website or calling (888) 382-1222, but many people have complained about it not being effective. If there is something requiring an immediate attention, please contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911.

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